Good for the circulatory system: clear separation instructions on packaging
With its ‘Trennhinweis’ initiative, Interzero Recycling Alliance is working towards keeping consumers better informed
Blue bin? Yellow bag? Consumers can’t always work out how to dispose of packaging properly at first glance. According to a recent YouGov survey, 80 percent of Germans would like to see a standard set of separation instructions on packaging. The Interzero Recycling Alliance is working with other dual systems to ensure consumers are provided with useful information and support. After all: the more accurately households separate their used packaging, the more efficient and more successful materials can be managed in the loop.
Our solution approach: free-of-charge labelling
We’ve worked with our dual system partners to launch the ‘Trennhinweis’ initiative. Our solution approach: the initiative providing distributors with a free set of easy-to-understand symbols to print on their product packaging. This motivates consumers to ensure that they separate waste correctly while also helping companies fulfil their product responsibility.
The symbols are being made available to any manufacturer or retailer who (also) places packaging on the German market and is registered with the Central Agency Packaging Register (ZSVR).
Overprint plus QR code
To complement our plain and simple symbols, we’re also providing QR codes to print next to them on packaging. Consumers can scan these codes to access short explainer videos about waste separation. These codes can be customised to direct users to videos about special, regional or even country-specific separation guidelines.